Image Optimization for On Page SEO
The next area we’re about to discuss is Image Optimization. You may want to use images in your content with text, so we have to optimize images also for better Search Engine Rankings. Search Engine’s crawlers can easily understand web page or post having text on it but if your page includes some photos search engine can’t understand those images so we have to provide some information to the search engines about the images.
We would provide some information to the search engines about the photos we include in our pages or posts with the help of these elements:
- Image File Name
- Image Title Tags
- Image Alt Tags
- Image File Size
These are also the elements where we would focus our attention to optimize these images for better Search Engine Rankings. As you know Google has a search option for images and people use this search option to find images they like. If you want to attract traffic from Google’s Image Search, you should optimize your images accordingly.
Let’s understand how we can optimize our photos using the above elements,
1- Image File Names:
When you want to include images to your page or post, name your images with your keyword in mind. Do not include an image having name like this:
IMG 87365.JPG
Use keyword rich names for your images and separate your words using hyphens (-) instead of space. If you are going to include more than one image on a single post or page, vary image names accordingly for all images so that it looks natural. For example if you are making a post on Persian cats do not use names for images like this:
Cute-Persian-cat-1.jpg, Cute-Persian-cat-2.jpg
Instead you can use names for these images like, cut-persian-cat.jpg, Persian-cute-cat.jpg, cute-cat-persian.jpg
I just made these examples to just give you an idea that how you can look natural in your writing image names for your photos. Just follow the process and you are good to go. When you include keyword rich name for your images and optimize them it will help the search engines to get the better idea of your images and content on your website. But remember don’t force a keyword into an image name, like if you are using an image repeatedly on your site for navigation do not use keywords for those images because it will look spam and un-natural to search engines.
2- Image Title Tags:
This tag contains text that will be shown to the visitor when he hover the mouse over an image. It should also be keyword focused but not keyword stuffed. This tag should contain a post or page name with a keyword but remember to look natural don’t force keyword in the title tag. This should be related to you content of the page or post and also keyword focused.
3- Image Alt Tags:
It is very important to include Alt tags for images. Images may seem like a straightforward component of your site. The Alt tag attribute allows you to specify alternative text for the image if it cannot be displayed for some reason. Why use this Alt Tag? If a user is viewing your site on a browser that doesn't support images, or is using alternative technologies, such as a screen reader, the contents of the alt attribute provide information about the picture. If you are using an image related to the post or page and not for just navigation, you should include keyword in this tag too, but again your Alt tag for images should also look natural and meaningful.
4- Image File Size:
Loading time for a web page is very important you should consider this fact too that if you are using high definition photos then these images would take like 1 or 2 minutes for load and you cannot afford that much time to just spent on loading as it’s a game of seconds not of minutes. 1, 2 sometimes 3 seconds are enough for a web page to load never include heavy images. If want an image with 500 by 300 Resolutions then do not include images with higher resolution and then resize. Just upload images with required Resolution, your size of images must be reasonable so that it will take less time on browser to load. Because loading time is very important for SEO.
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