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Sunday, 2 March 2014

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Keyword Density and Related Keywords

Keyword Density and Related Keywords

While writing good and quality content for your website or blog, you should focus your page or post’s content around one keyword which would obviously a long tail keyword. Focusing your content on one keyword means include that key word in your content naturally. Do not attempt to force that keyword in your content or include that keyword in such a way that it will look unnatural to the human visitor or search engine crawler.
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Tuesday, 17 December 2013

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Image Optimization for On Page SEO

Image Optimization for On Page SEO

The next area we’re about to discuss is Image Optimization. You may want to use images in your content with text, so we have to optimize images also for better Search Engine Rankings. Search Engine’s crawlers can easily understand web page or post having text on it but if your page includes some photos search engine can’t understand those images so we have to provide some information to the search engines about the images.
We would provide some information to the search engines about the photos we include in our pages or posts with the help of these elements:
  1. Image File Name
  2. Image Title Tags
  3. Image Alt Tags
  4. Image File Size
These are also the elements where we would focus our attention to optimize these images for better Search Engine Rankings. As you know Google has a search option for images and people use this search option to find images they like. If you want to attract traffic from Google’s Image Search, you should optimize your images accordingly.
Let’s understand how we can optimize our photos using the above elements,

1- Image File Names:

When you want to include images to your page or post, name your images with your keyword in mind. Do not include an image having name like this:
IMG 87365.JPG
Use keyword rich names for your images and separate your words using hyphens (-) instead of space. If you are going to include more than one image on a single post or page, vary image names accordingly for all images so that it looks natural. For example if you are making a post on Persian cats do not use names for images like this:
Cute-Persian-cat-1.jpg, Cute-Persian-cat-2.jpg
Instead you can use names for these images like, cut-persian-cat.jpg, Persian-cute-cat.jpg, cute-cat-persian.jpg 
I just made these examples to just give you an idea that how you can look natural in your writing image names for your photos. Just follow the process and you are good to go. When you include keyword rich name for your images and optimize them it will help the search engines to get the better idea of your images and content on your website. But remember don’t force a keyword into an image name, like if you are using an image repeatedly on your site for navigation do not use keywords for those images because it will look spam and un-natural to search engines.

2- Image Title Tags:

This tag contains text that will be shown to the visitor when he hover the mouse over an image. It should also be keyword focused but not keyword stuffed. This tag should contain a post or page name with a keyword but remember to look natural don’t force keyword in the title tag. This should be related to you content of the page or post and also keyword focused. 

3- Image Alt Tags:

It is very important to include Alt tags for images. Images may seem like a straightforward component of your site. The Alt tag attribute allows you to specify alternative text for the image if it cannot be displayed for some reason. Why use this Alt Tag? If a user is viewing your site on a browser that doesn't support images, or is using alternative technologies, such as a screen reader, the contents of the alt attribute provide information about the picture. If you are using an image related to the post or page and not for just navigation, you should include keyword in this tag too, but again your Alt tag for images should also look natural and meaningful.

4- Image File Size:

Loading time for a web page is very important you should consider this fact too that if you are using high definition photos then these images would take like 1 or 2 minutes for load and you cannot afford that much time to just spent on loading as it’s a game of seconds not of minutes. 1, 2 sometimes 3 seconds are enough for a web page to load never include heavy images. If want an image with 500 by 300 Resolutions then do not include images with higher resolution and then resize. Just upload images with required Resolution, your size of images must be reasonable so that it will take less time on browser to load. Because loading time is very important for SEO.
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Sunday, 6 October 2013

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Author Information, Profile and Rank

Author Rank, Profile and Information

This area in On-Page SEO elements is likely to become more and more important in Search Engine Results. Some of you may have noticed small photos with search results in Google. These photos are of the authors who actually wrote that content, photos appearing with search results means that Google has decided that the content is of such a quality and the person or site on which the content is posted has some sort of authority over it.

Most of you also know that Google is using Page Rank to provide authority of a web page or post, like analyzing its content and links that content have from other websites, pages or posts. So now Google has introduced this new feature called Author Rank to indicate the authority of an author over the content of the page or post. This is may be because Google is showing more interest in social sites like Facebook and Twitter. And Google has introduced its own Social sharing platform called Google+. So Google is interested in placing emphasis that who has authored the content like giving the authority to that person.

Author Rank and Google can have an amazing influence on your search engine rankings, whereas remaining silent and no appear as author may not give you any benefit. If you really think that you are providing good quality content then you should consider this feature to have its benefits. For this feature to really work you should have a Google Account on Google+. It’s really easy to setup, you don’t need to have a rocket science knowledge to set up your Google+ profile.

When you have your Google+ page, then you edit your Google+ profile to add links to your site where you post your quality content and link back your site to your Google+ Page. It is a reciprocal linking of your content on the site with your Google+ Page or you can say that you are linking your Google+ Page with your site so that you can show Google that you are the author of that site that you have linked to your Google+ Page.
After this you should also consider adding a +1 button (icon) [Social Sharing Icon, like Facebook share button] in your website or blog so that your visitors can share your quality content with their friends and family. This thing will also add some weight to the authority you have over your content and improve your rankings and give your site or blog extra exposure and thus more valuable traffic to your site.

Now I’ll list down some of the benefits or advantages of adding Google Authorship to your website or blog:
  1. This feature increase your credibility as Google has already seeing you as the Author of the content you write
  2. Additional trust for you and for your visitors that they are reading quality content from Google’s verified author
  3. When your photo appear with search results in search engine your website makes a stand-out impression on your visitors thus giving your site a good CTR(Click Through Rate)
  4. Your content would be instantly shared by your visitors, giving you more traffic and exposure
  5. It will help you build your own authority over your content which will definitely help you in future as Google takes more notice of social sharing
  6. Your site would be given extra SEO benefit if your competitors are not using this feature
There may be a feeling in your heart that Google is forcing everyone to use Google+ instead of Facebook and Twitter, it may be the case but it’s Google we are talking about, the #1 Search Engine in the market in present era. We are living in Google’s world so we have to follow Google’s rules so that we can make our way to the top.
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Saturday, 5 October 2013

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Keyword Meta Tag for In Page SEO

Keyword Meta Tag

In the last post we have discussed about the Description Meta Tags that what are Description Meta Tags, how to properly use these tags for search engine optimization. Now in this post we would discuss another Meta tag which is Keyword Meta Tag. In the past this tag has enormous SEO value but webmasters and bloggers used this area in such a way that is not permitted or allowed by major search engines, it was like abusing Keyword Meta Tag.
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Wednesday, 2 October 2013

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Description Meat Tags for On-Page SEO

Description Meta Tags for Better On-Page SEO

Description Meta Tags provides a short summary (Snippet) of your page or post in the search results. There are three parts of a search results with three different colors. The title of a page or post is shown in Blue color, The Description of a Page or post is shown in Black color and page’s URL is shown in Green color. As you know now that the description of a page is shown in search results, you should consider this area very important not only because it’s important because of SEO of a page but also it will generate more clicks to your page or post.
Your Description Meta Tags should be compelling enough that a person or searcher looking for something will click on your site if his search query matches with the content of your page/post. So you should write Description Meta Tags in such a way that will show the searchers that what they will get inside your page/post. Description Meta Tags are amazing to increase your Click Through Rate for specific Keywords for which you are already ranked for on search engines and are showing on 2nd or 3rd position. If you are on 2nd or 3rd position on search engine results you can still have more traffic or visitors than the site above you, if you write a good and compelling description than your competitors.

Description Tags provided for each page is also called snippet for that page that will show on the search engines results. Google may use other section of your page as content snippet (Description of Page) if it is matched to the user’s query. As I told you in the earlier post that part of your permalink will be bolded if it matches with the search query. This also goes for the Description Meta Tags, if user’s query matches with your description of a page showing in search results, the matched section would also appear in bold. These things give users a clue about whether the content on the page matches with what the user is looking for.

What to avoid in Description Meta Tags

So how can we make Description Meta Tags more compelling than our competitors?
Write Description of a Page in such a way that would both inform and interest users if they saw your Description Meta Tags as snippet in search results.
But avoid all these things while writing a description of a page:
  1. Writing Description Meta Tags that has no relation to the content on the page.
  2. Using generic description like “It is a webpage”.
  3. Filling your Description Meta Tags only with keywords.
  4. Copy and pasting the content on the page in Description Meta Tags.
Use unique description for each page/post in your website/blog. Do not use single description for all the pages in your blog/site.
There is a limit of 200 Characters (including spaces) for writing Description Meta Tags for each page, so wisely choose your words for this tag. If you are appearing in search results for some queries but not getting the desired traffic volume you should consider rewriting description for that page/post.

“Google Webmasters Tools” provides information about the web pages that are ranked for specific queries in search results. This tool will also show the rank, search query and click through rate you page is getting from the search results. So you should consider using this tool for your benefit in this regard and to outsmart your competition in this Description Meta Tags area.

In the next post we will discuss about the Keyword Meta Tags that how can we use this area to optimize our page or post and outsmart our competition.
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