Keyword Density and Related Keywords
While writing good and quality content for your website or blog, you should focus your page or post’s content around one keyword which would obviously a long tail keyword. Focusing your content on one keyword means include that key word in your content naturally. Do not attempt to force that keyword in your content or include that keyword in such a way that it will look unnatural to the human visitor or search engine crawler.
I saw some people manipulating their content to force a keyword in their writing to gain extra advantage of SEO, but this will only lead to negative aspects or you may call it over optimization. Because if you read that post or page that is stuffed with just keywords and have poor quality content around it then that post will look unnatural and makes no sense at all to both human visitors and Search Engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo.
So how Keyword Density is related to this keyword stuffed content?
Keyword Density means inclusion of keyword in a content or occurrence of keywords in the post or page. I read that in so many books, articles and blog posts that keyword density should be around 2-3%. So what does it means?
2% keyword density means that if you are writing an article/post or content for your website’s page and that includes 500 words, your keyword occurrence should be 10, which is 2% of 500. So in 500 words article you write 10 keywords, but I personally not encourage someone to do this kind of optimization and I suggest not following these percentages for keyword density and SEO. Just write actual good quality content around only one keyword and only include that keyword if it is necessary and look natural to you.
After writing your content read that 4-5 times before publishing your content if it does not make any sense, rewrite it till it does. Because if it does not look natural to you and make no sense then it won’t make any sense or look natural to your visitors and search engine crawlers at all.
If you really want to include key words in your content and want to make it keyword and SEO rich content then you should use other related keywords for that content. But please if you are new to these things do not use this formula too often because it may divert your focus from your primary keywords. You can use it where you really can include related keywords without sacrificing quality of your content.
I’m suggesting this related keyword idea because if you open your Google webmaster account and go to the “Search Queries” section there you can find your posts and pages ranked for specific keywords. You will notice that same post or page is ranked for more than 1 search queries. It may be because your site got links from other sources with different anchor texts, and there may be a possibility that you are using related keywords. So you should consider this strategy of including related keywords in your content writing if and only if it looks natural. Just remember one thing that you should provide value to your visitors because you are writing for them.
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