Thursday, 26 September 2013

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Google Adwords Keyword Planner Tool

Google Adwords Keyword Planner Tool Cover Photo
Login Here and open the Google Adwords Keyword Planner Tool. This Tool is located in "Tools and Analysis" tab in the menu with the name of "Keyword Planner". Once you are on the Google Adwords Keyword Planner Tool page, just open the first option "Search for new keyword and group ideas" and write down your keyword or key term (Long Tail Keyword) and hit the Get Ideas button. On the next page there are lots of keyword ideas that would include your key term with Monthly Searches, Yearly Searches, Competition, CPC, etc.
Google Adwords Keyword Planner Tool PhotoGoogle Adwords Keyword Planner Tool Photo
Now You will see a screen like this where you can find the best keyword that is related to your content.
Google Adwords Keyword Planner Tool Photo
In Left Pane there is an option called Keyword filters use this option to select "LOW" competition so that Google Adwords tool only show keywords and key terms with low competition.
Now back to the search results or our keyword.
Avg monthly Searches are those searches that have been made in the last month for that particular keyword or key term with exact match. Competition means how other webmasters are using that keyword. Low Competition means there are not so many webmasters like us who are using the same keyword for optimizing there content and that’s where we would target our focus. We would Select Keywords with Low Competition and with High Monthly Searches.

Now we know how to conduct our keyword research we would follow this process and find as many possible long tail keywords or key terms that are related to our content, website or blog. In start it may be difficult to find some great keywords but with some practice this can be done correctly and properly. In the later posts I would show you some great stuff that will make this keyword research very easy and fun for you guys just stay tuned. One question that may tease you is that how many keywords we need to collect to start a new project. From my point of view we need keywords as many as we can find (may be 80-100 to give us a start) but do not forget the description of keywords that we need. Long tail Keywords with Low competition and High Monthly Searches.

After that keyword research now we have a pretty much big data base, now we can move to our next phase which is Analyze Competition for selected Keywords and Key Terms.
So we would start our Analysis of selected keywords for Competition. This may be a lengthy process but we have to find all information that we can get easily. We would type each keyword in Google and study the pages that Google will show us for that particular Keyword. We want to analyze our competitor’s pages, website or blog so that we can have necessary information about our competitor that how his page looks like in which areas he is strong and where he is weak.

How can we outsmart our  competitors and how can we optimize our pages, post, blog or website that will give the better impression to our readers than our competitor’s website or blog? All these and other questions are important and necessary for our knowledge about the competition we would face in future for that particular keyword so we have to make count each and every second we spent on competition analysis for our selected keywords. Because I know and when you do all these things you would also feel that this process is too lengthy and time consuming, but most important thing is that this process is the base for your project, it may be the key stone in your hands that will give you the ultimate freedom over search engine because may be your competitors haven’t figured this out yet.

So if you understand how this process works, you would have a power to rank on Google for your desired keywords and can crush your competition, it is that simple and clear. Do not worry in the start if you don’t get the results because there is always a logical explanation to any result we face. If you think something is wrong or not working just recall all the points you have learned and compare your project with those points there may be some areas that you skipped or may be applied with some other aspect so just rethink your strategy and work on all the possible areas so that you would get the best possible results.


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