At this point I've already discussed about, what is SEO? How search engine works? What are search eninge algorithms and updates? What is over optimization? So if you want any information regarding these topics you can go to my previous posts. From now on we would learn how to build and construct our base for new projects, blogs and/or websites. It is somewhat you can call a blueprint of an effective SEO strategy that I always use before starting any new project/blog/website.
Elements of an effective SEO Strategy
You will find these elements handy while preparing a SEO strategy for your Project, Website or Blog. You are aware of these elements/areas of a website/blog. These elements are as follows:
1- Keyword Research
- What is Keyword Research
- What to optimize and how?
- Analyze competition for selected keywords and key terms
- Build a keyword database
- Optimize your blog or website for selected keywords and key terms
- Summary of all the key points
2- On Page SEO
- Domain Name (URL)
- Page titles
- Heading Tags
- Permalink Structure (Wordpress Blog)
- Description Meta Tags
- Keyword Meta Tags
- Content (Unique, Creative)
- Author Information
- Related Keywords
- Keyword Density
- Image Optimization
- Image File Name
- Image Title Tags
- Image Alt tags
- Image File Size
- Page File Size
- Number of Pages and Posts
- Video and Audio
- Internal Linking
- Site Map
- Anchor text of Internal Linking
3- Off Page Optimization
- Domain Age
- Domain Authority
- Social Media
- Backlinks
- Domain Renewal
4- External Links
5- Authority and Page Rank
6- SEO Competition
7- Other Tips and Tweaks
Now after this post we would discuss each and every element listed above to create an effective and result oriented SEO Strategy. As you can see there are mainly three Areas where we would target our focus. These three important areas are:
- Keyword Research
- On-Page SEO, and
- Off-Page SEO
To conduct On-Page and Off-Page SEO properly we should have conducted our keyword research because without KEYWORD RESEARCH our On-Page and Off-Page search engine optimization won't work. So in the next post we Would discuss our most important topic in effective SEO Strategy Guide whch is Keyword Research!
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